The necessity for a reliable version control system in today’s software development ecosystem is undeniable. Git, a distributed version control tool, has emerged as the go-to solution for both open-source and enterprise-level projects. 

This guide will elucidate the procedures for configuring Git on Debian 10. Regardless of whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned developer, this guide aims to simplify the steps for you.

How to Configure Git on Debian 10’s OS

Git’s prominence in the version control ecosystem is well-founded, given its robust architecture and capabilities. Renowned for its distributed functions, Git facilitates code change tracking, branch creation, rollback to earlier project stages, and team collaboration. 

Originating from Linus Torvalds, who is also behind the Linux Kernel, Git has now found universal acceptance. This guide is primarily focused on Debian 10, but the steps should work for any Debian-based operating system.


Before diving into the setup steps, ensure that the Debian 10 OS is active and that the logged-in user possesses administrative permissions.

APT Method to Set Up Git

The most straightforward approach to introduce Git to your Debian 10 system is via the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT), Debian’s default software package manager.

Steps to Follow:

  • Step 1: Update the Package List
    • Execute either sudo apt-get update or sudo apt update to refresh the package index;
  • Step 2: Initiate Git Configuration
    • Use sudo apt-get install git or sudo apt install git to initiate the Git configuration process;
  • Step 3: Confirm the Configured Version
    • Validate the newly configured Git by examining its version with the command: git –version;

Source-Based Configuration of Git

While APT provides convenience, some users prefer a more manual approach. Source-based installation allows access to any desired Git version, although it lacks APT’s auto-updating function.

Steps to Follow:

  • Step 1: Preparing the Environment. First, execute sudo apt update and then install the requisite dependencies using sudo apt install make libssl-dev libghc-zlib-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext unzip;
  • Step 2: Obtain the Source File. Navigate to /usr/src/ with cd /usr/src/ and then use sudo wget [GitHub link] -O git.tar.gz to download the source file;
  • Step 3: Installation and Compilation. After extraction with sudo tar –xzf git.tar.gz, move into the new folder and compile the source files using sudo make prefix=/usr/local all followed by sudo make prefix=/usr/local install;
  • Step 4: Finalize Installation. Add the Git folder to the PATH variable and validate the installation with git –version.

Git Configuration

After completing the setup of the Git version control tool, the next essential step is to configure personal details such as email and username. These details will be utilized for Git commit operations and help in identifying the contributors to a codebase. To specify these details, execute the following commands:

$ git config --global "Your Desired Username" $ git config --global "Your Personal Email Address"

Upon the successful completion of these steps, it’s advisable to validate the settings. This can be done by executing the following command, which will display the saved configurations:

$ git config --list


The configurations are stored in a hidden file named ~/.gitconfig, which is located in your home directory. Should you wish to modify these configurations, two methods are available: either execute git config commands or manually edit the ~/.gitconfig file.

Configuring SSH Keys for Git

For enhanced security and a simplified workflow, configuring SSH keys for Git is highly recommended. It removes the need to repeatedly enter the username and password during interactions with remote repositories. Here’s how to go about it:

  • Generate an SSH Key: Use the command ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “”;
  • Activate SSH Agent: Utilize eval “$(ssh-agent -s)” to activate the SSH agent;
  • Add SSH Key to SSH Agent: Employ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa to accomplish this;
  • Associate SSH Key with Remote Repository: Finally, add the public SSH key to your remote repository’s settings to finalize the setup.

Branching and Merging in Git

Branching is one of Git’s most potent features, enabling developers to isolate their work from others. Merging integrates these isolated changes back into the primary codebase.

  • Creating a New Branch: Use git branch new_branch_name;
  • Switching to the New Branch: Utilize git checkout new_branch_name;
  • Merging the Branch: To incorporate changes from another branch into your currently active branch, employ git merge other_branch_name.

This section aims to provide a rudimentary understanding of branching and merging. However, Git offers a plethora of options for advanced operations.

Git Hooks

Git Hooks are essentially scripts that Git executes before or after an event, such as a commit or push action. These are valuable for automating tasks in your workflow. Git Hooks are stored in a directory within your repository, generally .git/hooks.

  • Pre-commit Hook: Executed before a commit, often used to run unit tests or lint code;
  • Post-commit Hook: Run after a successful commit, usually employed for notifications.

To set up a Git Hook, simply create a script in the .git/hooks directory and give it the appropriate permissions using chmod.


In sum, the article has provided a comprehensive look at configuring Git on Debian 10, along with several advanced topics such as SSH Key setup, branching and merging, and leveraging Git Hooks for automation. Each of these elements contributes to a more streamlined and efficient use of Git as a version control tool.

For those keen on deepening their Git expertise, various resources are available, including the highly-praised book “Pro Git.” With the foundational and advanced knowledge gained from this article, users are well-equipped to use Git efficiently in any Debian-based environment.