Linux is an operating system just like Windows and macOS. Linux is more widespread than either of those systems. It is used in phones, cars, televisions, and is responsible for running most of the Internet and the best supercomputers in the world.

Unlike Windows and macOS, Linux is an open-source operating system, which means anyone can see the source code and modify it to suit their needs. Linux is also free to install, which means you don’t need a license to use it. However, like any operating system, Linux has some advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss in this article.

The advantages of Linux

Open source

As mentioned earlier, Linux is an open source operating system. This can come in handy, especially for people who write code or need to modify how their system works. Linux can also be installed and used for free, unlike Windows or Mac, so it can be a great alternative for those who have limited funds but need a system that can adapt to meet their needs.


One of the best qualities of Linux is that it is extremely secure. Since it is an open source OS, there are several developers around the world who keep an eye out for viruses and potential threats. Thus, when the code needs to be updated or changed, it can be done in no time at all.

Another reason for this security is that, since Linux has relatively fewer users than Windows users, it is not profitable to create viruses for this system. Therefore, the infection of the system with malware is minimized.


It is a fact that antivirus programs slow down the system. Because the program constantly updates its database and checks the system for viruses. Accordingly, antivirus programs use a lot of resources.

Since Linux does not require this software to be installed, a lot of computer resources are not used, making the system faster. On top of that, Linux runs faster than Windows because of its relatively simpler user interface.


One of the biggest advantages of Linux is that it is very easy to change it to suit your needs. This is also one of the reasons why it is very popular among programmers. Since you can see the source code of this OS, it is easier and legitimate (unlike Windows) to change it to suit your needs for your system;

Low system specs

Another reason why Linux is a better choice is that this OS runs on computers with very low system specs. If you have an old computer that you use and can’t throw away, Linux is a great choice for you. Linux will run without problems, unlike Windows or a Mac.

Disadvantages of Linux

Learning the system

Learning how to use Linux can take some time, especially if you are used to using other operating systems rather than an open source operating system like Linux. The interaction with the user in Linux is very different, so you need to take the time to learn the system first. This can be frustrating for some people;

Installing Software

Various applications that work in Windows or macOS do not work on Linux. So if you’re upgrading to Linux and need access to certain applications to work, be sure to check if they work on that operating system. Microsoft applications are one such example of software that is not available for Linux users.

Lack of Games

According to statistics, the majority of computer users use Windows or macOS, that is why game developers make games suitable for these operating systems. Many popular games are not supported by Linux. This is one of the reasons why Linux is not yet popular among young users.


One of the biggest problems with Linux, according to users, is that many drivers are missing for this operating system. As with software, there are ways around this, but problems have been reported when people have tried to use some hardware.


Now that we have looked at the various advantages and disadvantages that can arise when using Linux, it is safe to say that Linux is definitely not for everyone.

For software developers and cybersecurity professionals, Linux can be a great tool because it is free and can be modified. It’s also a cost-effective solution for people on a tight budget because once installed, you don’t have to worry about viruses and security systems.